
Sttark's Summer How-To

Summer How-To series

In the Summer of 2022, we posted a social media campaign to highlight our blogs for entrepreneurs just getting started. This is a collection of the how-to series for businesses and a list of helpful blog posts. ENJOY!

Blog Topics: Starting a candle business, labeling CBD products, designing cosmetics packaging, and creating print-ready designs using Canva

Week 1: How To Start a Candle Business

Week 1: Read How To Start a Candle Business

Starting your own candle business is a rewarding and worthwhile endeavor. Read the full article to get a step-by-step guide, along with tons of resources to help you along the way. We also share the benefits of starting your own candle company. You’ll learn how to choose your target audience, develop a brand look, and where to start selling your candles.

Week 2: How To Label Your CBD Products

Week 2: Read How To Label CBD Products

Whether you’re marketing hemp-infused dog treats or CBD gummies, it’s imperative to know how to label your products. You need to make sure that your CBD label complies with the FDA’s legal requirements. Read this post to learn about classifying your CBD product, FDA guidelines, label materials, and CBD product cartons.

Week 3: How To Design Cosmetic Packaging

Week 3: Read How-To Design Cosmetic Packaging

Physical and digital store shelves are brimming with the latest offerings for makeup. For those launching a new line of cosmetics, there’s no shortage of opportunities. But you’ll need a solid strategy to stand out from the crowd. In this blog article, we give you tips to design beautiful cosmetics packaging for your business.

Week 4: How To Make Print-Ready Designs in Canva

learn how to design product labels in canva

Week 4: Read Sttark’s Guide To Creating Print-Ready Designs in Canva

Often new business owners just starting out are working with limited funds for designing their packaging. Fortunately, there are many amazing (and affordable) design services online, or you can work with free design software like Canva. We show you step-by-step how to design your product labels in Canva so they are ready to print. Read this blog article to learn more.

We hope that our Summer How-To Series for businesses is helpful for you as you begin your next venture. Additionally, to see more helpful blog posts like these, visit the Tips & How-To’s section of the Sttark blog. We cover a variety of packaging & labeling topics to help you in every facet of your business.

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